Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gluten free anyone?

Wow, it's been awhile since I've written:) Well...our biggest life ajustment now is (no I'm not pregnant again:)).....we are looking into food allergies for Jacob. His skin has been horrible for the last couple of months. My doc said to give him some steroid cream, but I wanted to see if there were some other food issues first(I heard that wheat in particular is related to skin problems). So, I had him tested with a naturopath. I'm not sure I completely trust the results, but were are in the process of trying to figure it out. He tested as being allergic to wheat, dairy, canola oil, msg, and soy....what in the world do you eat then:) We're trying it out and subsequently our fruits and vedgies intake has gone way up and we have found lots of other different grains out there. Kind of way take up to 6 mo. to really get a handle on this so we'll see:)


Olivia* said...

Sorry to hear about Jacob's allergies and I know how difficult that can be. My nephew is allergic to all of what you have listed and then some (peanuts and gelatin to name some more). When he was a baby he had horrible eczema but with change of diet it really did clear it all up! And now that he's older he has grown out of a few of the allergies. It will be difficult but knowing you it will all work out.

Good luck with your trying out new foods and finding what works. :)

Paula and Eddie said...

My friend's sister was tested recently and found she was allergic to all sorts of things, just like the ones Jacob has, and she's 18! But she has been able to gradually reintroduce many of the foods, but it was a huge blow initially, especially going gluten-free. I think now she's ok, and now she only has more of the common food allergies, like shellfish etc. Hopefully he can grow out of this too. (and MSG is a common allegy for our family anyway, Mom and I both have an intolerance to it, but her's isn't as bad as mine.)

Jessica said...

I just found a website (well I read about it in the Family Fun magazine) called that you might be interested in. There are tons of recipes and tips from a mom who worked diligently to create recipes for her son that actually tasted good!