Saturday, November 8, 2008


I was out shopping with my dad today ( my dad actually really likes to shop:)) It was fun. We talked about a lot of stuff and we really enjoyed being with each other. At one of the stores we stopped by, a lady said she thought it was really neat that we could be slow close. I stopped to think about that...I don't know that I had ever really given it much thought that I have a good relationship with my parents. But as I thought about that, I was very grateful for my parents and Brent's parents. I am grateful for their love and support and I feel that thanks! I love you all! Rachel

Oh and Brent thinks we should build our roof out of legos:) I love telling on him:)


Cathy Leavitt said...

Legos sound good. Just could have all the kids help, too. And, possibly, it would be stronger than some of the roof jobs we've seen around here. It would definitely be a conversation piece!

N said...

Very timely post!