Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dallin's new lego game obsession

I think he's a genius(of course I'm not biased:))

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our Arizona trip

So, we headed back to AZ once again....this really was the first time we did this without a reason to. We just had fun as a family:)
Emma, of course, had to take a picture of herself.

The kids had a ball playing with their cousins at the Nolans.

Guess which Leavitt boy this is...answer at the end:)

Porter got a kick out of pushing buttons on Brent's computer.

We spent a day at Arizona's science museum.

On the way out of Arizona, we stopped at some lava tunnels and did some rock climbing down into the earth.

And then as we were driving home, I woke up to this....

It was a surprise trip by the grand canyon, and the traffic is very busy to get through the pay booths. This was not something we expected, Brent just thought this way would be faster. It was a beautiful $25 detour though:)

And for those who guessed Joseph, you were right:)

Friday, August 13, 2010

At My Sister's Pleading...

Here are some kind of recent photos from the family. These were actually taken Memorial Day weekend. Aaron was photographer on most of these.

This is the chicken coop in a its unfinished state. Sorry no pictures of the finished product yet.

Chickens in their adolescence. They're looking much fuller and more like real chickens... ah yes, the chickens we'll have to tell you about them in a separate post.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Birthdays and more

Emma reading with a Tiger:)

Spring Time is here!!!!

Aaron's birthday. We decided to do it in the church gym because...well...four boys plus friends...need I say more:)

Kung Fu Dallin

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Joseph's Fourth Birthday Party

We deemed it warm enough to venture out to one of our local parks for Joseph's 4th birthday party. I'm posting these mostly for my mother, but I thought others might enjoy them as well. Here are some highlights:
(Higher res images available upon request.)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lego temples?

Did you know that the church buys legos with the tithing:) I think we need to work a little bit more with Aaron on why we pay tithing....though, I think I could see Pres. Monson building little lego temples with his grandkids:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

My cute kids

Just posting some pics of the kids....I can't believe how big they are all getting...